Haslam Park Primary School

Haslam Park
Primary School

English at Haslam Park Primary School 

English subject lead:

 Mrs G Harding-Yung - BA (hons) History / NPQSL (Maternity Leave) Interim Lead - Mrs E Griffin

English Intent  

The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding 

  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information 

  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language 

  •  appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage 

  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences 

  • use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas 

  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate 

At Haslam Park Primary School, we believe all pupils (particularly SEND and disadvantaged pupils) are entitled to access a high-quality English curriculum which has been designed to not only allow them to fulfil their individual potential, but also reflects the unique cultural diversity of our school community in Bolton. Our English curriculum will not only fulfill The National Curriculum aims, but also allow our pupils to gain the basic skills, knowledge and cultural capital required to thrive in modern life and to access the next stage of their education. 

It is incredibly important to us that our pupils can relate to, and feel inspired by, the authors and texts they read. In order to achieve this, students are exposed to the rich heritage of literature that both Britain and the world possess. 

Reading underpins our entire curriculum and we strongly believe in the power of reading and its ability to unlock the curriculum and the world around our pupils. Teachers model a love of reading and pupils enjoy and benefit from not only being surrounded by adults who love books, but also from weekly visits to our beautiful, well-stocked libraries. We have sourced texts from across the world in order to ensure that they reflect the children here at Haslam Park. 

All children from Foundation Stage to Year 6 are provided with a range of opportunities to develop and apply their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills across all areas of the curriculum. We believe that a secure basis in all areas of English is crucial to a high-quality education and will provide our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society.  

English Implementation


Daily phonics lessons are delivered in EYFS and KS1, following Floppy’s Phonics. Floppy’s Phonics consists of a two-pronged approach to teaching early reading and spelling, which consists of a systematic and incidental approach: 

  • The systematic approach to teaching phonics ensures that children progress speedily through the graphemes throughout the programme and develop their oral segmenting and blending skills. 

  • The incidental approach focusses on using the alphabetic code chart to introduce children to graphemes that they haven’t been taught in their phonics lessons, but that they are using in their writing or have used incidentally on a daily basis. This approach ensures that pupils will be challenged early on and are introduced to many alternative spellings and pronunciations when the occasion arises before they are taught them in the systematic approach. 

Pupils are provided with home reading books that closely match their phonic ability and awareness in order to provide pupils with practice in applying what they've learned in their phonics lessons. Any pupils that have been identified as falling behind with their phonic knowledge and awareness are provided with catch up work using the phonics teaching books planned and monitored by class teachers and delivered by fully-trained staff members. Interventions in KS1 and KS2 are delivered to pupils who have yet to pass the phonics screening- this is planned carefully to ensure progress. The impact of interventions is tracked using Phonics Tracker. From year 2, pupils take part in daily spelling lessons using Spelling Shed scheme. Etymology, prefixes and suffixes along with the application of specific spelling patterns are studied and applied.  


Pupils are taught that being a reader requires you to use a range of skills in the form of domains, and they are explicitly shared with the pupils. All pupils from year one-six receive daily reading lessons planned around: 

  • Accessing quality texts and resources (current class texts or cracking curriculum texts) and  

  • Answering domain- specific question stems.  

All reading domains (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2) are covered across the academic year, following our domain progression document; opportunities to revisit and practice are built in across a range of texts to ensure depth of learning. 

Dedicated readers who demonstrate a love of reading are celebrated through our ‘reader of the half-term' celebration in which pupils receive a book of their choice as well as a certificate to take home. At Haslam Park, pupils also enjoy learning about a different author per half term (Key Stage One) and half term (Key Stage Two) through our ‘Author of the Half/Term’ approach. Each class will receive a collection of books written by their assigned author, and a display promoting the texts is updated at the same time. By the time our pupils leave to move onto secondary school, pupils will have been exposed to thirty authors. We are very proud of this initiative at Haslam Park. 

Every pupil reads their home-school reading book with an adult at least once per week in years 1-6, with disadvantaged pupils reading with an adult 3 times per week. The questions asked during these sessions are carefully-considered and aligned with our domain-focussed reading curriculum. Assessment information is gathered during 1:1 reading sessions in our ‘blue books’ and regular progress checks are conducted to ensure pupils are reading the correct stage of book for their current level of attainment.  We also assess the children' fluency online using the Fisher Family Trust ASPIRE reading fluency check. This is a short task that is carried out three times a year to check the children progress in reading fluency. 


Pupils are taught how to write effectively for a range of reasons by reading, analysing and writing about a current class text, following our ‘Haslam Park Writing Spine’ of texts. The texts were selected after consultation with pupils and staff with the sole intention of not only honouring cultural heritage texts, but also ensuring our pupils can relate to and identify characters in texts and dilemmas and situations they may have faced in real life. This allows us to share British Values and common SMSC themes presented in a wide range of texts.  

Pupils are taught writing daily with teachers following our ‘pathway to writing’ format. Pupils analyse their current text, tease out and practise applying genre-specific grammar features before applying their current learning to a written outcome. Teachers model handwriting, sentence types, grammar and tone during this process and this is shared on working walls to provide pupils with a constant point of reference. Pupils also benefit from a weekly sentence lesson which follows the pattern of ‘Model, analyse, say, write’. We use Alan Peat sentences to ensure that our pupils are exposed to, learn from and begin to apply a range of interesting sentence types from year 1. The weekly sentence lessons are ringfenced time for SEND pupils to work on specific writing targets and objectives.  

Speaking and Listening: 

Our bespoke weekly sentence lessons (as mentioned above) provide our pupils with the opportunity to orally rehearse sentences before they write them- allowing them time to edit and improve as well as orally structuring grammatically correct sentences. We found this to be crucial to our English catch up curriculum, following the COVID 19 pandemic. Pupils are also given opportunities to debate, discuss and present their written work including poems and short creative writing pieces across the curriculum.  


Pupils take part in World Book Day events, (including decorate a door competition and live zooms with published authors) book fairs from Scholastic and annual Shakespeare workshops to honour William Shakespeare’s birthday. A different play by William Shakespeare is studied each year (‘Macbeth' in 2023 and 'Romeo and Juliet' coming up in 2024) to ensure depth of understanding of the impact made by William Shakespeare on modern literature. We additionally take part in ‘National Poetry Day’ as a whole school with live performances of traditional nursery rhymes alongside modern poetry. Pupils in Key Stage Two write their own, original poems and perform them to their classmates. Poems are performed between classes in alternate key stages and performances are shared with parents. 

English Impact

The progress made by pupils is gathered in the following ways:  


Pupils’ writing is assessed against the Sheffield STAT writing criterion three times per academic year. During assessment week, pupils are asked to independently produce a piece of previously taught genre of writing during a three lesson sequence. Teachers use this piece (along with writing from the pupils’ English books) to make a well-informed judgement of a pupils’ attainment. By revisiting a previously-taught genre, teachers are gleaning the retained knowledge and skills.  


At Haslam Park, we use NfER assessment papers three times per academic year. This information is then used to produce question level analysis, ensuring teachers have a deep understanding of retained reading skills and domain understanding as well as to inform subsequent teaching.  

We also use Fisher Family Trust Aspire to test the children's reading fluency. This is a quick online test which supports us in assessing the children's reading age. 


Pupils from year 3 upwards take a weekly spelling test based on the spelling list from that week. Teachers also administer a spelling assessment three times per academic year as part of their SPaG assessments.  


Pupils in year 1 are regularly assessed using Phonics Tracker. Pupils who have yet to pass the phonics screening test are also regularly assessed with this information passed onto teachers so that their interventions reflect the gaps in sounds.  Children who do not pass the phonics screening test in year 1 will retake it in the summer of year 2. 

Assessment data 2023. The impact of our English curriculum (including reading, SPaG, writing and phonics) is detailed below. 



EO Key Stage 1 

EO Key Stage 2 



EXP- 71% 

GD- 23% 

EXP- 67% 

GD- 16% 




GD- 19% 

EXP- 65% 

GD- 9% 




EXP- 58% 

GD- 16% 



80% (year 1) 

96% (year 2) 





Key Curriculum Documents for Writing: 

Please find below our Genre Map and Book Spine relating to our text-based approach to writing (this is our curriculum overview) as well as our bespoke sentence progression curriculum (taught weekly years 1-6). All texts have been chosen to reflect our children's desires to read texts containing relatable characters and topical issues, resulting in well-informed written outcomes. Each year we review the chosen texts with the children to ensure they are still relevant and enjoyed by the children. This insight is invaluable for our English curriculum development.

You may notice that we provide the children with a wide range of genres to read, write and learn about. It is very important to us at Haslam Park that our children learn to write for a range of purposes; you will find all of the information regarding how this is structured below:

Genre Map and Book Spine

  Name Format  
Haslam Park Book Spine and Genre Map.docx .docx

SPaG Progression

  Name Format  
Genre_SPaG_mapping_year_1_and_2.docx .docx
Genre_SPaG_mapping_year_3_and_4.docx   .docx
Genre_SPaG_mapping_year_5.docx .docx
Genre_SPaG_mapping_year_6.docx .docx

Haslam Park Sentence Progression Map
Year group Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Other option
(creative or
1 Simple
sentences- oracy
Lots of talk
around images
from text. HA can
be extended to
write at this point.
sentences- focus
on word order.
semantics or
Follow scheme
sentences- focus
on capital letters
and full stops.
• Sentences
joined by ‘and’
• Question
1A Compound
2 •1A Compound
• All the Ws •List sentences • Short sentences Revision of all
sentence types
Simile sentence
3 • List sentences • Simile sentence •BOYS Sentences • Double ly
• __ing, __ed. Revision of all
sentence types.
4 • Simile sentence •2A Sentences • Emotion,
• Verb, person • If, if, if, then. Revision of all
sentence types.
Ad. Same ad
5 • Name –
adjective pair –
• 3 __ed • Noun,
•2 pairs sentences •3 bad – (dash)
Revision of all
sentence types.
Last word,
first word
6 •3 bad – (dash)
• Name –
adjective pair –
• De:De Sentence • Some; others • The more, the
Revision of all
sentence types.
Personification of
the weather.
Imagine 3
Weekly lessons (from year 2) should follow the ‘model, analyse, say, write’ structure. The lessons should either 1. Link to the current writing stimulus text or 2. Link to the current foundation topic where
appropriate. Teachers can teach Autumn 1 and 2 sentences interchangeably for example where they fit with the text and current learning. Year 1 lessons should begin with oral accuracy when generating ideas
and sentences.
New vocabulary should be shared and children should be encouraged to apply the new words in context.
Providing the children with vocabulary mats, word banks, adverbial/adjective mats etc ag the point of writing is encouraged. Children who are significantly behind ARE or have specific SEN, it is entirely
appropriate for the teacher to differentiate using, for example colourful semantics or the previous year group sentences. Another suggestion would be to provide children with cloze procedure/scaffolds initially.
Whole School Writing Progression Document
Haslam Park Primary School
Years 1 – 6
All children, depending upon factors such as SEN, should be taught an age appropriate range of skills in spelling, grammar and
composition. The range of skills are progressive and based on The National Curriculum. The teaching of writing at Haslam Park
Primary School is planned and delivered through carefully-chosen, high-quality texts linked to current topics (wherever possible).
Genres and text types are to be decided by the teacher and should be chosen so that the appropriate year group-specific grammar
can be taught in context. E.g year 4 fronted adverbials taught through the teaching of a short narrative chapter and year 2 teaching
of progressive verb forms to write simple recounts of events.
Haslam Park’s writing assessment system is designed to ensure and promote both good to outstanding progress and coverage of
The National Curriculum. It is expected that teachers refer to this document when planning units of work. The skills/knowledge
highlighted in yellow are what is regarded as ‘working at greater depth’ in the specified year group. Children who achieve the
highlighted skills/objectives can only achieve greater depth if the ARE skills and objectives are secure.
Spelling Grammar Composition Handwriting/
1 Spell most words
containing each
of the 40+
already taught.
Spell most
exception words
and days of the
week accurately
Name the letters
of the alphabet in
order and use
letter names to
spellings of the
same sound To
add the suffixes
+ing, +ed, +er,
+est to root
Use the prefix un-
To use +s and
+es to form plural
verbs correctly.
To spell simple
compound words
To spell all Y1
exception words
and days of the
week accurately
Spell all words
containing each
of the 40+
already taught
To use adjectives to describe.
To use some features of different
text types though they may not be
Leave spaces between words
Joining words and clauses using
Begin to punctuate sentences
using a capital letter, full stop,
question or exclamation mark
Use capital letters for names of
people, places, days of the week,
personal pronoun ‘I’
To regularly use capital letters, full
stops, question or exclamation
To use simple and compound
sentence structures GD
To be able to say out loud
what they are about to
write and composing a
sentence orally before
writing it
To begin to form short
sentences to convey
To write sentences to form
short narratives.
To re-read what they have
written to check that it
makes sense
Discuss what they have
written with the teacher or
other pupils.
Read aloud their writing
clearly enough to be heard
by their peers and the
To write sentences to form
short narratives and non-
fiction texts that are
consistent in their features
and purpose.
Sit correctly at
a table, hold a
and correctly
Begin to form
letters in the
starting and
finishing in the
right place
Form capital
letters and
digits 0 – 9
which letters
belong to which
‘families’ (i.e.
letters that are
formed in
similar ways)
Begin to form
letters in the
starting and
finishing in the
right place with
a good level of
2 Spell by segmenting
spoken words into
phonemes and
representing these
by graphemes,
spelling many
correctly and making
plausible attempts at
Learn new ways of
spelling phonemes
for which one or
more spellings are
already known, learn
some words with
each spelling inc a
few common
Apply spelling rules
and guidelines for
year 2 (see stage
2/phase 6)
To spell many KS1
common exception
Spell more words
with contracted
forms and the
apostrophe (singular)
for example, the
girl’s book.
Distinguish between
homophones and
near homophones
To use suffixes to
form nouns (-ness, -
er); adjectives (-ful, -
To demarcate most sentences with
capital letters, full stops and
questions marks (when required)
Learn how to use sentences with
different forms: statement, question,
exclamation, command
Learn how to use expanded noun
phrases to describe and specify.
Learn how to use the present and
past tenses correctly and consistently
including in the progressive form
To use co-ordination (or/and/but/so)
and subordination
Learn how to use some features of
written Standard English
To use the full range of KS1
punctuation mostly correctly
including commas to separate a list
and apostrophes to mark possession
in nouns and contractions.
Pupils can write a simple,
coherent narrative about their
own and others’ experience
(real and fictional) after
discussion with the teacher.
Consider what they are going
to write by planning, saying
what they are going to write
about; writing down ideas/key
words/new vocab;
encapsulating ideas sentence
by sentence
Read aloud what they have
written with appropriate
intonation to make the
meaning clear
Pupils can write effectively
and coherently for different
purposes, drawing on their
reading to inform the
vocabulary and grammar of
their writing after discussion
with the teacher.
Make simple additions,
revisions and corrections to
their own writing
Form lower-
case letters to
the correct size
relative to one
Use spacing
between words
that reflects
the size of the
Write capital
letters and
digits of the
correct size,
orientation and
relationship to
one another
and to lower
case letters.
Start using
some of the
diagonal and
strokes needed
to join letters in
most of their

Key Curriculum Documents for Reading: 

The reading domains form a vital part of our pupils’ reading learning. Comprehension skills underpin our curriculum at Haslam Park, and we take pride in our approach to teaching our pupils how to not only read the text, but to comprehend and answer a wide range of questions. In order for pupils to develop the full range of comprehension skills, teachers are to follow the suggested sequence of learning below, building new learning into each half term in a progressive approach. However, if an opportunity to teach a different domain arises, teachers are also encouraged to utilise the opportunity and model appropriate answers.  

Each year group to have questions pertinent to their level of reading and ability to produce written outcomes.  

Reading Domain Coverage

  Name Format  
Reading_domain_coverage_across_school.docx .docx

Reading at Home: 

Our pupils self-select their home reading books from our extensive collection of Oxford Owl reading books. The pupils are encouraged to read widely and to select books they are not only matched to their ability, but that they will enjoy.

Parents are encouraged to make use of our subscription to Oxford Owl e-library:


Logins are available from class teachers and are regularly shared on Class Dojo. This website supports pupils in EYFS and KS1 with their phonics learning but also provided access to a wide range of ebooks and audio books for children to enjoy at home. 


Reading in School:

To support our pupils, every child in school is read with at least once per week, and the discussions, sounds and questions covered in the sessions are recorded in our 'blue books'. They form part of our assessment across school and have become part of our bespoke reading approach. 

Every class in school has a weekly slot in our school's lending libraries. Upon consultation with our school council, the libraries have received extensive funding and is now stocked with wonderful new books, written by a culturally-diverse range of authors alongside traditional authors and familiar modern names. 

We also have our authors of the half term in EYFS and KS1 and our authors of the term in KS2. These books are used as class readers and mean that our children are exposed to over 30 authors from a diverse range of backgrounds from these authors alone!

Our Learning

Below are some examples of our knowledge organisers. These are used at the start of each unit and outline the skills that are being revisited and the new skills/ genres that are being learnt. Below are some examples of our pupil's learning. Our writing process starts with a WAGOLL to analyse, leading to planning, writing, editing and improving and then publishing.  


Academic Year 2023-2024


Joseph Coelho LIVE - 8th March


World Book Day - 7th March


School Readers Volunteer

We are very lucky to have been matched with a Schoolreaders volunteer. Our volunteer comes into school each Friday to work with year 3 and 4. 


Readers of the Half Term - Spring 1

Well done to our spring 1 readers of the half term. Keep up the excellent progress in your reading and enjoy your new books! 


National Handwriting Day - January 23rd 2024

This year Haslam Park celebrated National Handwritng Day by holding an in class handwriting competition. Class teachers chose a fact or quote from the different people who inspired our class names. The children in class voted for the class handwriting champion. 


Readers of the Half Term - Autumn 2

Well done to our autumn 2 readers of the half term. Keep up the excellent progress in your reading and enjoy your new book! 


Readers of the Half Term - Autumn 1

Well done to our autumn 1 readers of the half term. Keep up the excellent progress in your reading and enjoy your new book!


Poetry Week 2023 - 2nd-7th October


This year the theme of poetry week was 'Refuge' this fitted excellently with the texts being read in upper key stage 2. The children wrote their own haikus and cinquains on the theme. 

Other key stages learnt poems to recite and perform. On the Friday we swapped classes and performed to the alternate key stage. We had a wide range of performances from year 1 reciting 'The Owl and the Pussycat' with some excellent actions for the year 4s to year 5 confidently performing their own haikus about the journey of a refugee to year 2. See below for some of our amazing performances: 


Scholastic Book Fair 

We always look forward to the book fair here at Haslam Park and this year was no different. We having a look at the range of books on offer! Each class got a chance to visit the book fair during the day and it was open after school for them to visit with their parents. 



Academic Year 2022-2023


Black History Month

As part of our ongoing commitment to honouring Black History Month, each class used their reading lessons during the week of 17th-21st October to read, learn and write about a significant figure in Black History. The theme for Black History Month 2022 was 'Time for Change: Action Not Words' so each class carefully selected a significant figure who has spearheaded change and progress through meaningful actions. 

Our pupils learned about the following amazing individuals: 

Marcus Rashford  - year 1

Mo Farah  - year 6

Walter Tull  - year 3

Kelly Holmes  - year 5

Mary Seacole  - year 2

Harriet Tubman - year 2

Benjamin Zephaniah  - year 6

Floella Benjamin  - EYFS

Alma Thomas - year 5

Muhammed Ali - year 4

Martin Luther King - year 4

Rosa Parks - year 1