Haslam Park Primary School

Haslam Park
Primary School


Miss Hampson and Miss Fenwick are the class teachers and Mrs Wood, Mrs Patel, Miss Giga and Miss Jenny supporting.

The best way to get in contact with us is through Class Dojo. Please ask if you need any support with this.

Hello! We are Reception. In our team we have a fantastic set of adults to provide a calm and happy environment for the children as they embark on their first year at big school!
We expect children to read at home every night for at least 10 minutes with their reading book in school. Children are listened to at least 2x per week at school and it is so important that children read at home too to develop their phonics, fluency and comprehension skills. 
Children are set maths and phonics homework each week in their blue homework books. Please make sure these are returned each Wednesday. 
Further information and day to day news can be found on our class dojo page. 
Miss Hampson, Miss Fenwick, Miss Jenny & Reception Team.

To support your child's learning in school please ensure they have: 

  •  Water bottle filled with plain water 
  • A coat 
  • Reading book and planner 
  • In the colder months please ensure children have hats, gloves, scarfs, etc.  
  • In the warmer months please ensure children have hats, sun cream, and plenty of water to drink.