Haslam Park Primary School

Haslam Park
Primary School

School Governors

Please click here for more information on each governor.

We are delighted to welcome you to our website which we hope provides the necessary information to parents and visitors about how our school is run and the aims and expectations we set ourselves. Haslam Park Primary School values its reputation as a warm and friendly school.  Our school’s Mission Statement emphasises the value that is placed on the uniqueness of individual pupils, who are encouraged to develop and celebrate their talents through studying an ambitious curriculum which values the acquisition of knowledge and the progressive development of skills.At Haslam Park, we believe in a broad, balanced curriculum to develop each child to their full potential, on their journey to becoming happy and confident individuals. We want children to gain a love of learning in a safe, welcoming environment in partnership with our Teachers, parents/carers and community members with Our Core Values of Explore, Learn and Grow at the heart of everything we do. Under the outstanding leadership of Mrs. Roughley, our staff are conscientious and hard-working and ensure that all the children are valued.  In our school, we seek to achieve amongst our pupils academic excellence whilst also promoting their emotional, social and spiritual well-being. If you choose to visit our school you will see and hear pupils eager to learn and willing to express their ideas creatively. The Governors are very committed to supporting Mrs. Roughley, staff and children, in setting and maintaining very high standards, and in the constant pursuit of improvement. Governors serve on a number of committees and, in addition, have particular areas of responsibility with links to individual areas of the School Improvement Plan. Linking up with  a priority allows us the fantastic opportunity to see directly how the children enjoy their learning at Haslam Park, and also enables us to feel very much a part of the school family.  There are two main committees at Haslam Park. All governors give their time freely and details of who we are can be seen below.We are incredibly proud of our school and all its achievements. We do hope our website answers many if not all of your questions, but Mrs. Roughley and the Governing Body are always happy to respond to any concerns or queries you may have. 

The Governance Structure

The Chair of Governors is Mr Sam Walsh. He can be contacted via the school office.The full Governing Board meets three  times a year. Each member of the governing Board is also a member of one or more of our committees and has an area of responsibility linked to the school impact plan.

Haslam Park’s Governing Board consists of:

  • Parent Governors:  Parents are elected by other parents at school.

  • Staff Governors:  One governor is elected by the school staff.

  • Co-opted Governors: This is an individual from the community who has the skills and experience which the governing board require.

  • LA Governors: Governors appointed by the LA

  • The Headteacher is also a governor.

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

Our two committees are as follows:

  • HR AND FINANCE. Chair:  Firoza Vahed. To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Board regarding, Finance, the school premises and Health and Safety. To deal with matters arising regarding staffing, personnel and pay. Please see the Terms of Reference.
  • WELFARE AND STANDARDS:: Samantha Walker To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Board regarding; Standards in school and Curriculum.

These committees meet at least once each term.

The main Roles of the Governing Board 

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; 
  3.  Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Link to statutory guidance- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/constitution-of-governing-bodies-of-maintained-schools 

Voting Rights 

ALL Governors have voting rights.Staff Governors/Parent Governors don't sit on the Appraisal sub-committees.

Governors Question Box 

Our 'Governor Question Box' is located in the school foyer.  If you have any questions for the governors, please place them in this box.  All questions will be treated as confidential. 

Term of Office



Start date

End date


Samantha Walker



Vice Chair

Firoza Vahed



Head Teacher

Kati-Anne Roughley




Zaheda Ahmed




Michael Farrell



Danielle Findlay




Jasu Patel




Paul Hoodless




Shaheeda Patel




Lauren Sharples




Shahina Patel




Governors Attendance at Meetings


Full Governing board attendance 2023-2024

Sub-committee attendance 2023-2024


Full Governing board attendance 2022-2023

Sub-committee attendance 2022-2023