Haslam Park Primary School

Haslam Park
Primary School

Year One Wallwork

Miss Taylor and Miss Ratcliffe-Cross are the class teachers with Mrs Aspen, Mrs Altaji, Mrs Adia, and Mrs Taberner.

The best way to get in contact with us is through Class Dojo. Please ask if you need any support with this.


To support your child's learning in school please ensure they have: 

  • Water bottle filled with plain water 
  • A coat 
  • Reading book and planner 
  • In the colder months please ensure children have hats, gloves, scarfs, etc.  
  • In the warmer months please ensure children have hats, sun cream, and plenty of water to drink. 



In Phonics, we follow the Floppy' Phonics scheme. Please ensure you are checking dojo each week to practise the sounds we are learning in school. 

Practise learning phonics at home using the e-book resource to learn the new phonemes we are working on in class next week. This will sent over Class Dojo. 


Statutory Phonics Information

Children in year 1 sit a phonics screening check this will take place during the summer term. The phonics screening check is designed to confirm whether pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.

 The children will be asked to read a mix of 40 words some will be real and some will be nonsense (made up alien words). Children have to use phonics to blend the words and read them clearly.


Reading At Home

Please make sure you read with your child at home EVERY night and sign their diary with the correct date. It is important that you read at home to support your child's learning at school. We will check reading books daily. 

Questions to ask your child 

  • Who is the author of this book?
  • Who is your favourite character and why?
  • What do you think will happen in the end?
  • Who is your favourite character?



At Haslam Park we believe that in order for children to achieve work must be done at home as well as at school. Please do the following with your child each week:

  • Read your reading book for at least 5 minutes every night
  • Practise our weekly phonics sounds on Floppy’s Phonics by clicking the link on our class dojo page  
  • Practise weekly spelling on spelling shed - https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/
  • Complete the tasks on Numbots - https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login-type?
  • Weekly homework is send home on a Friday and need to be returned by the following Monday.

 Websites you might find useful 






We take part in PE lesson twice a week. PE days will be updated on Dojo. Children must wear the correct kit which is seen below. Earrings must be removed or covered if they cannot be removed. Hair must be tied up in a bobble and headbands must be removed. 

Please note that children must wear trainers. Plimsolls are not suitable for PE.